Newsletter #43 for April 24th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

I hope you’re having a good day so far, let’s see what’s new!

Minecraft Servers

DS9 Earth Day parade

The Earth Day parade building contest was filled with amazing builds! So amazing that Joe has decried my puns skills in favor of one of the entrants! Who could possibly make a better pun than me?! You’ll have to watch the VOD and enjoy the floats to find out!

Thank you to team Earth Kingdom Scouts for hosting!

Kentucky Derby Parade

Our next parade is one being celebrated alongside the Kentucky Derby. Team Blackwater is the host, and the representative DahliaM wanted folks to know that the theme for this parade is basically horses. Her intentions were to pick a holiday that has the most relevance to horses, and that she believes in strong and strict reforms in the industry and cannot praise or respect the current practices held.

Folks are allowed to create floats about the derby, the hats and all the extravagance the Kentucky Derby is known for, but Team Blackwater does not condone the racing industry, or the abusive practices of the horse industry.

DS9 event schedule

  • Kentucky Derby Parade, hosted by Team Blackwater
    • Sunday, April 30th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Petitions
    • Saturday, May 20th, 1pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Server downtime
    • Tuesday May 30th to Wednesday May 31st.
  • Pride Parade, hosted by Team Gaymers
    • Sunday, June 11th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Petitions
    • Saturday, June 17th, 1pm US Central Time
  • Summer Solstice Parade, hosted by Team SCP
    • Saturday, June 17th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Map Art Build Contest
    • Ongoing until judging on Saturday, July 15th

Everstorm obituaries

No obituaries to report, phew!

The next reset is Tuesday, May 9th, so be sure to hop on if you haven’t had the chance yet!

Rumor has it that the next iteration may be a little… Toxxic. More information will given as it becomes available!

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 14: Monster Bash

Another win for Mr. Hardluck, congrats!

1st: MrHardluck. 2nd: ProfessorGallifrey. 3rd: Parker. 4th: DarkHorseAsh. 5th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 6th: JoeHills.

Week 15: Space Station

If you’re interested in joining the pinball tournaments you can find information under activity-sign-ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges.


Upcoming Streams

We have a schedule this week, woohoo!

  • Monday, April 24th
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!
    • Monday afternoon: off for Hermit recording
  • Tuesday, April 25th
    • 8:30am: Coffee and grinding, HermitCraft bonus stream
  • Wednesday, April 26th
    • 8:30am: Crafts with Cleo
  • Thursday, April 27th
    • 8:30am: Quinn co-hosts HermitCraft 9!
    • Thursday night: HermitCraft 9 Live!
  • Friday, April 28th
    • 8:30am: Coffee and grinding, HermitCraft bonus stream
    • Friday night: off for family time
  • Saturday, April 29th
    • Saturday night: off for family time
  • Sunday, April 30th
    • 2pm: Patreon Kentucky Derby Parade Float build contest
  • Monday, May 1st
    • 8:30am: Coffee and grinding, HermitCraft bonus stream

Notable streams

Upcoming conventions

Music City Multi Con has been announced! You can expect to see Joe there, though tickets are not yet available. Stay tuned for that!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading this newsletter! Enjoy the rest of April, I’ll see you all in May!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #42 for April 17th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

If you’re looking for updates you’ve come to the right place, here’s your weekly news!

Hermitcraft TCG Card Game Live

Have you been watching all the hermits playing the HermitCraft TCG and thought “Wow I wish I could collect and play this in real life!”? Well now you can! VintageBeef and the Hermits have announced a physical edition of the game available for preorder now! You can find that over here! If you’re interested in seeing what Joe’s common card looks like you can take a look at this link here!

The Federal Trade Commission requires that ads and sponsors be disclosed when goods or services are endorsed. Joe does make a small royalty off the sales of the card game, but this is not a true sponsorship as Joe is a Hermit and has been working with the team responsible for having these cards released. Better safe than sorry!

2023 Q2 quarterly meeting VOD and minutes

Thanks to all the folks who attended our quarterly meeting! If you missed it and would like to see the VOD you can do so here!

If you want the minutes of that meeting they are available for folks to read here.

The next quarterly meeting is tentatively set for late July or early August depending on Joe’s availability, we will bring you the final date once we have that ready!

Minecraft Servers

Stay updated on our Minecraft servers!

Deep Slate Nine downtime

DS9 needs to have it’s operating system upgraded! Joe will be taking care of that so you can expect server downtime from May 30th to May 31st.

DS9 Petitions

You can find the VOD and minutes for the April 2023 DS9 petitions at this page:

DS9 Yuri’s Night parade

The Yuri’s Night parade building contest was out of this world! Many cool designs were featured by our stellar members of the community, and I’m over the moon with everyone’s creative aspirations! Please be sure to watch the VOD and enjoy the floats!

Thank you to Team Shiny for hosting!

DS9 event schedule

  • Earth Day Parade, hosted by Team Earth Kingdom Scouts
    • Sunday, April 23rd, 2pm US Central Time
  • Kentucky Derby Parade, hosted by Team Blackwater
    • Sunday, April 30th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Petitions
    • Saturday, May 20th, 1pm US Central Time
  • Pride Parade, hosted by Team Gaymers
    • Sunday, June 11th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Petitions
    • Saturday, June 17th, 1pm US Central Time
  • Summer Solstice Parade, hosted by Team SCP
    • Saturday, June 17th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Map Art Build Contest
    • Ongoing until judging on Saturday, July 15th

Everstorm obituaries

  • ChefNutmeg got yeeted into lava by a sad boy

Modded SMP

Server operator ToxxicGlitter is still taking suggestions for the upcoming modded server restart, we’re looking to have that launched in the back half of June. Stay tuned for more details to come!

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 13: Creature from the Black Lagoon

Congrats to Mr. Hardluck for his win!

1st: Mr. Hardluck. 2nd: JoeHills. 3rd: Cosmic Goddess. 4th: Parker. 5th: DarkHorseAsh. 6th: NJCoffeeJunkie

Week 14: Monster Bash

This table has not been started yet as Joe needs to reset the tournament, but you can look forward to that going live early Tuesday evening.

Upcoming conventions

Music City Multi Con has been announced! You can expect to see Joe there, though tickets are not yet available. Stay tuned for that!

Notable streams

So long for now…

Thanks for tuning in, I hope you have a beautiful week and many moments of small joys!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #41 for April 10th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

I hope you’re ready for some modest updates, because here they are!

2023 Q2 quarterly meeting

Final reminder to folks that our quarterly meeting is this Saturday, April 15th, at 1pm US Central time! This is your last chance to suggest agenda items, new channels, new emojis, or submit some feedback to go over, so get that in while you can!

Agenda items go in Joe Hills Meta > #next-quarter-new-business-requests channel. Channel suggestions can go in #feedback-more-channels, and emoji suggestions can go in #feedback-emoji.

Minecraft Server Events

We’ve got a few new items to add to the list, along with reminders of the previously announced events!

Deep Slate Nine

  • Petitions
    • Saturday, April 15th, 10:30am US Central time.
  • Yuri’s Night Parade, hosted by Team Shiny
    • Saturday, April 15th, 11am US Central Time
  • Earth Day Parade, hosted by Team Earth Kingdom Scouts
    • Sunday, April 23rd, 2pm US Central Time
  • Kentucky Derby Parade, hosted by Team Blackwater
    • Sunday, April 30th, 2pm US Central Time
  • Pride Parade, hosted by Team Gaymers
    • Sunday, June 11th, 2pm US Central Time
  • Summer Solstice Parade, hosted by Team SCP
    • Saturday, June 17th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Map Art Build Contest
    • Ongoing until judging on Saturday, July 15th

Lenten Everstorm closes

Survivors of last month’s everstorm have shared their final reports:

  • MJ went exploring beyond the safe glow of torchlight. At nightfall he began pillaring up and watched the sunset. It was a good world.
  • Laxmi13 survived because apparently her real body doesn’t understand 2D movement anymore.
  • SuperStone developed new and exciting ways of not dying, then stopped playing before actually needing them.
  • samihiggins helped create a commune below spawn. She leaves behind many farms and many more hours in her pursuit of perfectly enchanted bows for all.
  • Magenta spent more time landscaping that she did caving and she build her first double-spawner mob grinder.
  • Phali successfully defended Voids’ legacy, then took Deliverance and some supplies on his back and headed for the sunrise in search of new adventures.

April Everstorm opens

A new iteration of Everstorm is here! The reset is planned for May 9th, so come be the first to die! Or rather the next, as we already have our first obituary!

  • MJ was shot in the back by a skeleton while trying to escape up a staircase.

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 12: Black Rose

Congratulations to Asteri aka Cosmic Goddess for getting first place!

1st: Cosmic Goddess. 2nd: JoeHills. 3rd: Mr. Hardluck. 4th: superstone. 5th: NJCoffeeJunkie. 6th: DarkHorseAsh

Week 13: Creature from the Black Lagoon

If you’re interested in joining the pinball tournaments you can find information under activity-sign-ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges.

Upcoming conventions

PlayOnCon 2023 sales are now open at!

  • July 6th–9th in Columbiana, AL: PlayOnCon

Notable streams

So long for now…

I look forward to updating folks with the events of the quarterly meeting this weekend. You’ll be able to enjoy the VOD and minutes as per usual when we can get those available to folks. I hope to see you there!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #40 for April 3rd, 2023

Screenshot of the HermitCraft Season 9 server. The render distance is very large, bases from Doc's perimeter to False's ice castle are visible with Joe's pinball machine looming in the background.

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

Joe’s live again this weekday morning, so I’ll be bringing you the news again! We’re getting to it right away!

Mercy Road 4 Success!

The weekend has passed and so has the charity event Mercy Road 4 that was benefitting  Child’s Play! Joe was joined by fellow players KrissyInColor, Kay Purcell, Tyranthesaurus, UnderdogAG, and DM Saucefire.

You can check these VODs out to see Joe and the others in action! Do mind the split videos, what’s a charity stream without a few technical difficulties?

The event raised $5,550.00 and is still currently open for donations here, though on stream redemptions have concluded.

2023 Q2 quarterly meeting

As a reminder to folks we have our quarterly meeting coming up! That’s gonna be on Saturday, April 15th, at 1pm US Central time. If you have any agenda item requests please submit them in the Joe Hills Meta > #next-quarter-new-business-requests channel. Channel suggestions can go in #feedback-more-channels, and emoji suggestions can go in #feedback-emoji.

I recommend checking out the feedback channels and letting us know how we’re doing! We strongly encourage it as it helps us know how the community is feeling and what changes we can make to help folks.

Minecraft Server Events

Lots of events being scheduled on the server! Let’s take a look!

Deep Slate Nine

Parades, petitions,  and even more parades! When you plan to have 12 parades in a year you’d think it would be spaced out to about 1 parade a month, but that’s not how holidays work! Let’s see what celebrations and build contests folks have to look forward to so far!

  • Petitions
    • Saturday, April 15th, 10:30am US Central time.
  • Yuri’s Night, hosted by Team Shiny
    • Saturday, April 15th, 11am US Central Time
  • Earth Day, hosted by Team Earth Kingdom Scouts
    • Sunday, April 23rd, 2pm US Central Time
  • Pride Parade, hosted by Team Gaymers
    • Sunday, June 11th, 2pm US Central Time
  • DS9 Map Art Build Contest
    • Ongoing until judging on Saturday, July 15th

Sign ups are open for the parades, you can find those under Activity-sign-ups each in their own respective channels.


No obituaries to report, phew!

Last chance to play this iteration! The server will reset on Thursday, April 6, 2023.

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 11: Attack From Mars

Joe takes another pinball victory this week!

1st: JoeHills. 2nd: forgantly. 3rd: Mr_Hardluck. 4th: Drewbacca. 5th: CosmicGoddess. 6th: WrexVerdi. 7th: Superstone. 8th: kindalas

9th: DarkHorseAsh, 10th: R1X5.13

Week 12: Black Rose

Apparently this is the pirate one, so ahoy mateys! I ‘ope ye enjoy the table this here week!

If you’re interested in joining the pinball tournaments you can find information under activity-sign-ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges.

Upcoming conventions

PlayOnCon 2023 sales are now open at!

  • July 6th–9th in Columbiana, AL: PlayOnCon

HermitCraft 9 Videos

Notable streams

Upcoming Streams

Joe and I would again like to apologize for the lack of a stream schedule, things are a little chaotic in Tennessee, and Joe doesn’t want to give a timeline he’s not certain he can commit to. I look forward to when we can confidently give that to y’all!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading the newsletter! I’m excited for our upcoming quarterly meeting, and I hope y’all have a beautiful week!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #39 for March 27th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

I’m writing you this newsletter as Joe is currently live from the HermitCraft server! I hope y’all are enjoying the stream, let’s dive into the news!

Important Tweets

Mercy Road 4

Last reminder! This Saturday, April 1st, Joe will be playing in one of the charity D&D games benefitting Child’s Play hosted by talented dungeon master Saucefire. His session will be at 5pm US Central time!

Minecraft Server Events

Deep Slate Nine

We have a few things to announce for DS9!


Monthly petitions will be held Saturday, April 15th, at 10:30am US Central time.

Yuri’s Night Parade Float Build Contest

This parade will celebrate Yuri’s Night. If you haven’t heard of it before like me, Yuri’s Night is an international celebration held every April 12 to commemorate milestones in space exploration. It is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961.

The parade float contest will be Saturday, April 15th, at 11am US Central time.

Map Art Build Contest

DS9 will also be having an extended build contest for map art! There will be three categories, and judging will be based off solo entrants as well at teamed, so there are a total of six evaluations.

The categories are

  • Retro
    Limited to a 1×1 map using only wool on a flat plane
  • Refined
    Unlimited block palette and techniques may be used for up to five maps that compose a single work
  • Really big
    Unlimited block palette and techniques may be used for six or more maps maps that compose a single work

Entrants may begin as of 8:30am Central, March 27th, 2023, and should be completed and on display in the judging area by midnight US central time July 14th for judging on stream the following day.

More information is available under Activity-Sign-Ups > #july-15th-ds9-map-art-build-contest

Modded SMP

Server operator ToxxicGlitter is still looking for suggestions and feedback for the new modded server coming this summer! If you have any ideas or would like to see what folks have suggested already you can find the place to do that under SMP: Modded 1.19 By ToxxicGlitter > #modded-feature-request

Vanillish SMP

Server operator Yirggzmb is preparing to have the server update to 1.19.4! Stay tuned for when that update happens, you can find the info under SMP: Vanillish By Yirggzmb > #vanillish-general


No obituaries to report, phew!

As a reminder, the server will reset on Thursday, April 6, 2023.

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 10: Junkyard

The winner this week is Joe, but congrats to all of our players!

1st: JoeHills. 2nd: Cosmic Goddess. 3rd: Forgantly. 4th: Mr_Hardluck. 5th: Superstone. 6th: DarkHorseAsh. 7th: NJCoffeeJunkie. 8th: WrexVerdi.

Week 11: Attack From Mars

If you’re interested in joining the pinball tournaments you can find information under activity-sign-ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges.

Upcoming conventions

PlayOnCon 2023 sales are now open at!

  • July 6th–9th in Columbiana, AL: PlayOnCon

HermitCraft 9 Videos

Notable streams

Upcoming Streams

Another week without a schedule, sorry about that! Joe will be having someone over this week to hopefully get that repaired. Thanks for your continued patience!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading the newsletter! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and week!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #38 for March 20th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

Joe’s back from his social visit to London but it looks like his internet has yet to return! I’ll be your faithful reporter as always, so let’s get into the news!

2023 Q2 quarterly meeting

A not so brief overview

We are approaching that quarterly time of year! Folks joked around last meeting that I live for these meetings and that it’s what I look forward to all year. While highly exaggerated there is some truth to those jokes!

One of my biggest focuses as Community Liaison is making sure folks feel like they are connected to each other in this community, and for Joe to be connected to y’all as well.

For those who are new, every quarter year (or every 3 months) we hold a quarterly meeting to reflect on past changes, review current changes, and suggest upcoming changes.  Change can be a scary thing so we’ll go through it together as a community!

The meetings are available to join for all Patreon discord members and are livestreamed as well by myself. Minutes and a VOD are provided for folks who may miss it, and proxies are allowed to be sent in on behalf of other members.

We follow an agenda during these meetings to stay on topic and not stray too far from the point. If you would like to submit an agenda item request you may do so in Joe Hills Meta > #next-quarter-new-business-requests.  We also are still accepting requests in the #feedback-emoji and #feedback-more-channels channels to be considered at our next meeting.

Current 2023Q2 Agenda

  • Patreon tiers and community goals
  • Minecraft servers reset schedule and launches
  • Discord
    • Additional channels
    • Additional emotes

Great, but when is the meeting?!

Saturday, April 15th, at 1pm US Central time.

Mercy Road 4

Joe will be playing in one of the charity D&D games benefitting Child’s Play hosted by talented dungeon master Saucefire. His session will be Saturday April 1st, at 5pm US Central time!

Minecraft Server Events

Deep Slate Nine

Our March Van Gogh parade building contest was wonderful! The builds were gorgeous and I highly recommend checking out the VOD to see what the creative folks on our server built!

There was also our usual monthly petitions, Joe has written a summary and provided a VOD for folks over here.

Modded SMP

Server operator ToxxicGlitter held petitions as well, though we don’t have a VOD or any notes on it.

We would like to announce that Toxxic plans on restarting the Modded SMP!  We don’t have any official details on that yet, but the current plans are for a shorter term, higher intensity server that would run for 3-6 months.

Don’t worry about losing the current iteration just yet! The restart won’t come until the summer, likely around June. Toxxic is very open to feedback and suggestions, folks can put those in the #modded-feature-request channel. More details on this restart will come as it becomes available.

Vanillish SMP

Vanillish petitions are tomorrow, March 21st! Server operator Yirggzmb uses an asynchronous timing, so if you have a request submit it now in the #vanillish-petitions channel!

Everstorm Obituaries

No obituaries to report, phew!

As a reminder, the server will reset on Thursday, April 6, 2023.

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 8: No Good Gofers

Congrats to DarkHorseAsh!

1st: DarkHorseAsh 2nd: Mr_Hardluck. 3rd: Laxmi13. 4th: @JoeHills. 5th: NJCoffeeJunkie

Week 9: Medieval Madness

Congrats to Mr. Hardluck!

1st: Mr.Hardluck. 2nd: JoeHills. 3rd: DarkHorseAsh. 4th: Superstone. 5th: WrexVerdi. 6th: Forgantly. 7th: Drewbacca81

Week 10: Junkyard

If you’re interested in joining the pinball tournaments you can find information under activity-sign-ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges.

The pinball packs we play in FX3 are on sale on Steam until March 23rd, so now is a great time to hop in! I hope to see more folks claim their spot on the leaderboard!

Upcoming conventions

PlayOnCon 2023 sales are now open at!

  • July 6th–9th in Columbiana, AL: PlayOnCon

HermitCraft 9 Videos!

Check out Joe’s most recent episode if you want to see him talk about his trip to London!

Upcoming Streams

With Joe’s internet still working hard at hardly working, we don’t feel confident posting a stream schedule for this week, sorry about that!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading the newsletter! I look forward to bringing you more updates in the future, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #37 for March 6th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

Some of you might be wondering why I’m bringing you this week’s newsletter. Well that’s cause Joe keeps trying to plan around acts of God, but God keeps laughing at him! For evidence of this, check out the status of Nashville’s electric service here!

For clarity, Joe’s been having internet issues thanks to a storm that’s been terrorizing the area, so I’m here as your faithful reporter!

Let’s get to the news!

Mario Kart wave 4 launch

I hope you’re ready for some kart racing action! With the new wave of Mario Kart DLC launching we have a Mario Kart stream to look forward to this week!

Not just any stream either! Featured guests will include ImpulseSV, Oli OrionSound, Martyn InTheLittleWood, Lizzie LDShadowLady, MythicalSausage, and Jimmy Solidarity!

You can tune in to that on the 9th, Thursday morning at 9am US Central Time.

Vacation time

Joe will be going on vacation next week! Some folks may see the word vacation and worry about the discord going into vacation mode again, but worry not! With the trial run of vacation mode being completed and the ModMail tutorial posted in the #actual-rules channel we feel confident in having all the channels stay open while Joe enjoys his trip!

In relation to that, we will not be posting a newsletter next week, so the next edition will be out on the following Monday, the 20th of March.

Upcoming Minecraft Server Events

Some of these have already been announced, but with the lack of a newsletter next week I think it’s good to have a refresher. Let’s see what folks have to look forward to!

  • Modded Petitions: March 11th at 11am Central
  • Deep Slate Nine Petitions: March 18th at 1pm Central
  • Van Gogh Parade: March 18th at 2pm Central
  • Vanillish Petitions: March 21st, asynchronous

Everstorm Obituaries

  • After completing its own dying wish, Void withered away among roses
  • Chefnutmeg fell into the fires of mount doom one block of obsidian shy of opening a portal to the nether realms
  • Centuritron met the same fate as John Fitzgerald Kennedy thanks to some skeletons
  • Rei died since metal spoons aren’t the incredibly inefficient weapons they’re advertised to be. especially when wielded by a baby

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Congratulations to Forgantly in a landslide victory!

Week 7: Tales From the Arabian Nights results

1st: forgantly. 2nd: Hoe Hills. 3rd: MrHardluck. 4th: queendarklady. 5th: NJCoffeeJunkie. 6th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 7th: DarkHorseAsh. 8th: marwood7. 9th: Laxmi13.

Week 8: No Good Gofers

This week’s tournament is only 5 days long so Joe will have time before his vacation to roll it over. Pinball while you can!

Find the details to join in Activity Sign Ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges

Upcoming conventions

Tennessee Game Days Spring has come and gone! I hope any folks who attended had a great time! If you missed the chance to go you can still catch Joe at PlayOnCon! 2023 Sales will open at on March 12 at 3PM Central.

  • July 6th–9th in Columbiana, AL: PlayOnCon

Notable streams

Normally we like to include a stream schedule, but with the uncertainty of the internet stability we don’t feel confident making a schedule this week. Should all be fine you can expect Joe at his usual streaming times, let’s hope we still get some bonus streams!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading the newsletter! If you made it this far your dedication for staying up to date and being in the know truly shines!
Or maybe you just skimmed the whole thing and have stumbled across this farewell anyhow. Either way, I hope you have a great week!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #36 for Feb 27th, 2023

A photo of the burned-out shell of McDougal's Chicken.

Howdy, y’all!

Joe Hills here, hoping you had a presidential Monday last week and that today is even better for you! I’m assisted today by our community liaison, ThatTommyboii!

Today’s featured image is a slice of a photo I took of the burned out shell of one of my favorite non-hot chicken restaurants just this afternoon. Time marches ever onward.

Draw4 Charity a success!

Thank y’all so much for ensuring our 2023 Draw4Charity campaign  was a success! We surpassed our $10,000 goal and raised $10,500 benefitting WorldBuilders!

Here’s the VOD of the HermitCraft TCG prize match segment I ran! I appreciate so many Hermits showing up to help raise money for a good cause.

I also appreciate the hard work of the other board members who organized this event!

Stepping down from the Draw4Charity Board.

Fans of this newsletter and my other miscellaneous work are likely aware that I’m regularly over-scheduled and over-extended as I attempt to balance life as a single parent with my obligations as an entertainer and small business owner. I regret that I’ve been unable to spend as much time behind-the-scenes planning, organizing, and coordinating the twice-yearly D4C charity streams as my other peers on the board.

Our chairman, Jack Mistretta (aka Pastability) offered to let me keep my title due to my early efforts helping him initially launch the event—but on reflection I feel the best way to respect the time of the others on the board and accurately convey my day-to-day level on involvement is to step down.

I formally resigned earlier this month, but continue to enjoy a positive relationship with everyone involved. I wish everyone at D4C the best, and I look forward to appearing as a guest at their future events.

Mercy Road 4: Save the Date for April 1st!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be playing in one of the charity D&D games benefitting Child’s Play hosted by talented dungeon master Saucefire. The exact time of my session is TBD, so stay tuned for that detail.

Here’s the VOD of the Mercy Road 3 session played in alongside Quinn Murphy, Ryan North, Jack Packard, and Kat Welsford!

Mercy Road raised $8000 last year, and I’m excited to see what we accomplish later this spring!

Tommy wrote a ModMail tutorial!

If you are curious about what ModMail is on the Discord Server, Tommy has got you covered at:

February Book Club Concludes with voice chat

I’ll be hosting a small-group voice chat discussion here about Tress of the Emerald Sea at 7pm US Central time tomorrow, February 28th. If you’ve read the book, please pop in!

If you haven’t, it’s about 12 hours on the audio book, and you can probably read the print one in half that. Good luck!

Upcoming Minecraft Server Events

  • Modded Petitions: March 11th at 11am Central
  • Deep Slate Nine Petitions: March 18th at 1pm Central
  • Van Gogh Parade: March 18th at 2pm Central


January Everstorm closes

Survivors of last month’s everstorm have shared their final reports:

  • NJ took a trip down memory lane and didn’t nearly burn down her barn this time.
  • SuperStone had fun exploring the ruins of an ancient civilization.
  • MJ enjoyed looting the shopping district and then mining some terracotta. Built some cubes at NJ’s farm. Shot a lot of skeleton riders … almost shot Ellas too!
  • Gaea started out on a nostalgia trip and then was immediately entranced by a mystery
  • TommyBoii met his love again but they were missing their other husband and their church.

Repent! Lenten everstorm opens

Okay, so this started out a bit more Eastery than intended, but put your “Hallelujahs” away. Uh… folks weren’t supposed to respawn when they logged out and back in, I had set the server property force-gamemode to true, and that had some, uh, life finds a way style consequences.

I’ve fixed that glitch, and we should be back on track in the meantime, here’s more obituaries than expected:

  • NJ tried to help SuperStone and Centuritron but a zombie wanted a hug instead.
  • Centuritron tried too hard to get spider powers
  • fancytoy was slain by a baby zombie whilst attempting to craft a pickaxe.
  • Qwarkeh fought off an invisible spider but succumbed to a drowned
  • MisterLantz fell in a 1×2 hole, a creeper was kind enough to expand the hole.
  • ChefNutmeg got stabbed in the back by a trident, while settling farm by the fishing dock.
  • Void went exploring and got ambushed by three skeletons
  • Ellas was lighting up a cave when they were cornered and murdered by a bone man
  • MJ, FOR SCIENCE – death by lightning
  • DottyMatrix donated her body to science.

Bonus Deaths! Doo doo doo doooo doot doo doo doo doo!

  • Centuritron after having their soul retrieved from the underworld, was smote by Zeus by request of Hades anyway
  • MJ, deaths 2-5 skeleton death loop
  • Void, Going up in flames for science

Discord Updates

I’ve archived the following channels:

  • #feb-mcyt-poll
  • #feb-12-mardi-gras-parade
  • #everstorm-january-2023

I’ve also created a #tbd-tcg channel for testing a self-hosted version of the HermitCraft TCG, which you can find on github at:

Please note that my self-hosted deployment of the TCG will not necessarily be updated daily like the one hosted by the developers.

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Congrats to Mr. Hardluck on two weeks of wins in a row! Can anyone take him down this week?!

Week 5: Hurricane

1st: MrHardluck. 2nd: forgantly. 3rd: SuperStone. 4th: DarkHorseAsh. 5th: CosmicGoddess. 6th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 7th: Laxmi13. 8th: WrexVerdi.9th: Qwarkeh 10th: JoeHills

Week 6: Cirqus Voltaire

1st: MrHardluck. 2nd: NJCoffeeJunkie. 3rd: JoeHills. 4th: DarkHorseAsh. 5th: Laxmi13

Week 7: Tales From the Arabian Nights

Join us for a seven day challenge that explores 1001 nights of stories!

Delight with scheherazadenfreuden as your friends fail to catch your high score!

Upcoming conventions

One of my favorite annual events, PlayOnCon just announced their Summer 2023 dates as July 6th–9th! Badges and rooms go on sale on March 12th at 3pm Central! They can sell out fast, so start planning now if you hope to hang out with my friends and I at a gaming convention on the lake!

Notable Streams

Until next time, y’all!

This has been Joe Hills with assistance from ThatTommyBoii!

Keep adventuring!

Newsletter #35 for Feb 13th, 2023

Howdy folks!

It’s Tommy time! Community Liaison ThatTommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty!

I hope you’re ready for an overuse of exclamation marks, Joe is currently in what he describes as “editing jail” along with “paperwork jail” so I’ll be bringing you this week’s newsletter!

Let’s begin!

Actually, Some of You May Be New Here!

With a new influx of patreon supporters and other folks who may be browsing this site I realize that not everybody may know what’s going on!

I’d like to welcome any folks who may be new with a brief summary of what the newsletter is. Every Monday morning Joe and I meet to write and publish this newsletter here on his site!

Part of my job as Community Liaison is to help establish a connection between all of you lovely folks and Joe, but also help Joe connect with y’all! I’m kind of like a bridge of sorts.

There’s a lot of information that needs to get passed between people in the community, and the easiest and best way for folks to stay up to date on everything going on is all right here in one place!

You can look forward to a new newsletter each week, barring holidays and any events that can cause delays. If you have any feedback we welcome that in the patreon discord at Joe Hills Meta > #feedback-newsletter

If you’re not already a member but are interested in joining you can check out Joe’s patreon page over here!

Now let’s start for real!

Tumblr Poll for MCYTblr Sexyman

This isn’t really what I thought I’d be reporting on when I first started writing the newsletter with Joe, but I’m excited nonetheless!

Round 6 has concluded, and in the match between ZombieCleo vs Joe Hills the winner is… Joe Hills!

I can’t say I’m surprised! With all the propaganda and support I’ve seen on tumblr as well as discord spaces, it’s no wonder he pulled through in such a tight race!

If you’re interested in more data you can view it at this site here, courtesy of this-glittering-world on tumblr.

The final poll, GoodTimesWithScar vs Joe Hills, will go up tomorrow, Tuesday the 14th. What a memorable way to celebrate Valentine’s day! You’ll be able to vote in that poll once it goes live at

Draw4 Charity: February

It’s once again time for Draw4Charity! This charity event will be benefitting worldbuilders. You can visit their site for more information on what they do.

If you’d like to support the cause come attend the livestream event! It will be steamed from and is running from Friday February 17th, 6pm CST to Sunday February 19th, 6pm CST.

Joe will be popping in and out of this event all weekend, and will be hosting HermitCraft TCG on Saturday February 18th, 2pm US Central time.

He will also be hosting the Quake segment, on Sunday February 19th, 8am US Central time.

Vanillish SMP

February 14th is the date for this month’s Vanillish petitions! At the time this newsletter goes live, that means tomorrow! Make sure to have your requests submitted for our server operator Yirggzmb to review!

Modded SMP

The Cliffside Competition is over! Server operator ToxxicGlitter submitted the winners, so congratulations to Mantuamaker for winning Best Overall and Best Façade! Congratulations as well to MercurialVoid for Best Lair, and thank you to _R2D2 for your wonderful entry!

If you’d like to check out the judging and walk throughs of the builds, you can watch the VOD below!

Also, to better help folks who want to install the mods to play on the Modded SMP, Toxxic has created a handy channel with a list of the mods and some commons issues. You can find that in SMP: Modded 1.19 By ToxxicGlitter > #modded-setup-guide.

Everstorm Obituaries

  • Magenta fell out of this world while trying to escape an enderman

Deep Slate Nine parade float build contests

Celebrating Mardi Gras was superb on DS9 thanks to Team Lotus! Thank you to MeepedCubed for hosting the parade, and to all the entrants who built floats!

You can watch the VOD of the building and judging of this parade here!

Upcoming Parades

  • Van Gogh’s Birthday Parade on March 18th at 2pm Central. Hosted by Team Holland.
  • More to be announced!

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 5: Red and Ted’s Road Show results

The winner of this table is Mr. Hardluck! Congratulations!

1st: MrHardluck. 2nd: JoeHills. 3rd: DarkHorseAsh. 4th: forgantly. 5th: Cosmic Goddess. 6th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 7th: WrexVerdi. 8th: Qwarkeh.

9th: Laxmi13

Week 6: Hurricane

Join the tournament via our Patreon Discord in Activity-Sign-Ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges


Upcoming Streams

Normally Joe would place an orderly and time accurate schedule here, but I don’t have that. I can instead provide a vague summary of when to expect some streams. Sorry about that, but  I hope this will still be beneficial!

  • Morning Streams
    • Crafts with Cleo on Wednesday the 15th
    • In studio guest Quinn Hills on Thursday the 16th
    • Draw4 Quake stream on Sunday the 19th
  • Afternoon Streams
    • Draw4 Hermitcraft TCG on Saturday the 18th
  • Nighttime Streams
    • As per usual
  • Bonus Streams
    • Varied and dependent on Joe escaping “editing jail” and “paperwork jail”.

Notable Streams this week

Upcoming conventions

Registration and hotel booking are both now live for Tennessee Game Days Spring: March 3rd–5th, 2023 in Nashville, TN!

So long for now…

Thanks for reading the newsletter! It’s always a joy for me to write. I hope everyone has a happy valentine’s day!

This has been TommyBoii reporting for newsletter duty.

See you around!

Newsletter #34 for Feb 6th, 2023

A screenshot of a Groundhog Day Parade in Minecraft depicting a groundhog emerging from a stump.

Howdy, y’all!

Joe Hills here, saying “fare thee well” to January and “well thee come” to February as I always do in Nashville, TN!

Our enterprising community liaison ThatTommyBoii is assisting as well! When asked if he has any special greetings for y’all, Tommy replied “not necessarily.”

Let’s jump right in!

February Book Club: Tress and the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson

The book club is back with a shipboard adventure story that really impressed me!

I hope you’ll join me to discuss Tress and the Emerald Sea throughout the month of February in #bookclub text chat!

At the end of the month, I’ll host a discussion in Discord voice chat at 7pm US Central time on Tuesday, February 28th.

Tumblr Democracy in Action

There’s a series of polls this month on Tumblr I have been nominated for. I’m not really campaigning, just occasionally re-posting things I’ve done over the years, but if you’d like to participate, you can do so at

HermitCraft 9 Videos!

Vanillish SMP

The Winter Event comes to a close on Vanillish! Our server operator Yirggzmb has provided a prize wall for all participants in the winter event! Spend the points you earned on some fantastic prizes, and thanks again for playing!

The Vanillish server will also be holding petitions on Tuesday, February 14th. If you’re not familiar with the petitions on Vanillish, they are asynchronous! This means folks can submit their petition request in the #vanillish-petitions channel, and Yirggy will review those on the petition date.

Modded SMP

Toxxic’s Cliffside Competition is nearing its end! The judging will be Saturday, February 11th at 12pm central. There’s still time for last minute entries, you can find all the information in the #modded-cliffside-competition channel.

The next Modded petitions will be held sometime in March, details to come.

Everstorm Obituaries

  • Chefnutmeg fell from a high place in the shopping district.

Deep Slate Nine parade float build contests

GroundHog Day Parade

I appreciate  that Team Redstone (Kindalas) went all-out preparing his outpost to host this year’s Groundhog Day parade!

Thanks to everyone who showed up to create floats! Y’all had some really imaginative and fun builds!

Upcoming Parades

  • Mardi Gras Parade on February 12th at noon Central. Hosted by Team Lotus.
  • Van Gogh’s Birthday Parade on March 18th at 2pm Central. Hosted by Team Holland.

Deep Slate Nine petitions

Thanks to Tommy for writing up minutes for our January 2023 DS9 petitions at:

Or watch the VOD below:

Policy update for one-shot Minecraft events

With discussion happening on future Patreon community goals some excellent points were brought up… points so excellent that we are updating a policy!

Henceforth, all one-shot minecraft events, such as cross-community UHCs, will be open to all discord community members, and not just the $10 minecraft tier patrons.

Draw4 Charity: February

I’ll be streaming as part of the Draw4Charity team on February 17th, 6pm CST – 19th, 6pm CST! Details to come!

Pinball FX3 Weekly Tournament

Week 3: The Champion Pub results

Congrats Forgantly for taking 1st on The Champion Pub!

Champion Pub Tournament Results. 1st: forgantly. 2nd: ToxxicGlitter. 3rd: JoeHills. 4th: Mr. Hardluck. 5th: WrexVerdi. 6th: SuperStone. 7th: MagentaAvocado. 8th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 9th: Laxmi13. 10th. Drewbacca81. 11th: samihiggins. 12th: Qwarkeh. 13th: DarkHorseAsh. 14th: NJCoffeeJunkie. 15th: Chefnutmeg25. 16th: Kindalas.

Week 4: Whitewater results

Whitewater tournament results: 1st: Joe Hills. 2nd: Mr_Hardluck. 3rd: CosmicGoddess. 4th: ButterflyGirlKMC. 5th: WrexVerdi. 6th: DarkHorseAsh. 7th: forgantly. 8th: superstone 9th: Qwarkeh. 10th: Laxmi13.

Week 5: Red and Ted’s Road Show

Join the tournament via our Patreon Discord in Activity-Sign-Ups > #weekly-pinball-challenges


Upcoming Stream Schedule

  • Monday, February 6th
    • 1pm: bonus HermitCraft stream, HHH
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!
  • Wednesday, February 7th
    • 8:30am: Crafts with Cleo
  • Thursday, February 9th
    • 8:30am: bonus HermitCraft stream with in-studio guest Quinn Hills
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!
  • Friday, February 10th
    • 8:30am: bonus HermitCraft stream with coffee
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!
  • Saturday, February 11th
    • noon: Modded Cliffside Competition
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!
  • Sunday, February 12th
    • noon: Mardi Gras Parade hosted by Team Lotus
    • 8:30pm: HermitCraft 9 Live!

Notable Streams this week

Upcoming conventions

Registration and hotel booking are both now live for Tennessee Game Days Spring: March 3rd–5th, 2023 in Nashville, TN!

Until next time, y’all!

This is Joe Hills from Nashville, TN. Any final words, Tommy?

“Now I’m on the spot! You wrote when I said not neceesarily and now I feel like I have to match that kind of energy!”

Keep adventuring!