
Howdy, y’all!

Joe Hills here!

I make things I like and I hope you like them too. If not, I encourage you to develop other hobbies, like gardening or making things you enjoy!


Joe Hills is an entertainer from Nashville, Tennessee. He encourages folks to laugh and learn along with him as he blends his joyous curiosity and Southern twang to create YouTube videos that folks have viewed over 10 million times.

Hills has also travelled across the United States to meet folks, judge their Minecraft builds in competition, and speak on panels on topic ranging from game design to selecting the correct software development tools given the constraints of folks’ project requirements.


2024 Q3 Meeting Minutes

Discord channels Added #seasonal channel under >All Specific Except For General category Added #life-sim-games and #horror-games under >Games category Renamed  #⁠identity to #your-identity Added #spam-fashion-you-wear under >Create category Added #other-meetups under >Meet-Ups category Set #current-events to text only and moved it to >All-Text category Added new policy to #actual-rules under >All Specific Except For General …