Deep Slate Nine Vanilla SMP
- Kindalas proxies for Mallora to get an enchanted netherite pickaxe lost in a server crash.
- Granted
- DottyMatrix requests a new elytra due to backup gear being lost in server crash.
- Joe grants 64 diamonds and 525 bottles of enchanting in addition to an elytra to compensate for the lost items.
- Maahes0 requests zombies and drowned stuck loaded in spawn chunks be cleared away
- Granted
- DiscoJanet requests invisible item frames for decoration purposes
- Granted, all in attendance received 5 invisible item frames.
- Invisible item frames also suggested as B’hala loot item.
- Granted, all in attendance received 5 invisible item frames.
Modded SMP
- Bits and Chisel mod will be added
- Adorn mod will be added
- Craftable Elytra mod will be added
- The ability to smelt deepslate into cobbled deepslate and a recipe for heart of the sea will be added via datapack
- Hints for the remaining music discs were provided to those present
Vanillish SMP
- TommyBoii awarded with one Allay spawn egg
- WizardofDocs awarded with two Cat spawn eggs and two stacks of fish
- All players awarded with custom item, Lucky Tunic
- Cake and Cookie bonus saturation for Halloween disabled
- Pumpkin Pie bonus saturation still in effect for November in celebration of American Thanksgiving