2023 Q1 Meeting Minutes

    • Creative work
      • Streams/Videos
        • Biggest freelance client for Joe’s freelance contract has ended and has not been renewed. It does mean less revenue but it also now frees up time for Joe to work on more creative ventures.
        • Joe is also sleeping better as a whole and is more creatively energized
        • Joe hasn’t felt this excited about editing in years
        • Streams have had tech back where Joe would like them
        • Friday morning streams are a hit
        • Saturday night reading streams are grinding but thoughtful
        • Focused work streams like that are good for maintaining forward momentum
        • Potentially adding more morning streams, but requires balance with editing time
      • Music/Albums
        • Quinn Hills will be joining Joe in studio to hang out with a guitar for a stream soon
        • Commercial real estate is cheap right now from the pandemic, and an off site studio is being considered
        • Night streams might be less elaborate if so, but in the long term Joe would like to stream from the road
        • More of that will be addressed in depth at the next quarterly meeting
        • Volume 3 is coming, branding needs sorting but the most important aspect is that Quinn feels comfortable
        • Joe Hills Speaks Spoken Word project
        • TTRPG games were fun, and running more one shots on the discord is desired
          • Call of Cluethulu
      • Patreon goals and tier review
        • $3000 goal at last meeting has been meeting that goal
          • This is because one person has been hitting the $500 tier but it is not long term
          • Short term/immediate investments have been made with tech upgrades
        • Long term goals are known, the matter is meeting them.
          • Kindalas suggests updating the patreon quarterly so folks know it is not abandoned and more folks can be drawn in
        •  If we hit a certain monetary goal (4k or 5k a month? numbers need to be run) do we make some of the servers available to everyone?
          • Not an individual sponsorship program
          • Yes this is something we can open feedback for and consider in the future
          • Funds would cover more staff time and hardware such as laptops for server operators
      • Vacation mode considered a success
        • Concerns raised were “does Joe not trust his mods”
          • He does, vacation mode was not made from a lack of faith in staff
          • Joe wants to prepare for situations like the company doing well and flying the staff team to PAX for a booth, or so well that we do a staff retreat for a week. In those scenarios, everyone trusted to run the discord in unavailable. Preparing for failure needs to also be met with preparing for success
          • The test of vacation mode was to see if the discord could exist with NO staff available.
        • Vacation mode isn’t being considered for when Joe goes to Europe for spring break as Joe trusts his staff to run things while he is away. If that doesn’t work out well that shows the scope for how the discord runs.
        • Server operators cannot do emergency maintenance on the server consoles as Joe will not provide them with root access on personal devices.
        • If spring break is a nightmare and can be fixed we will do that. If it goes poorly and can’t be fixed vacation mode would be used in instances like when Joe gets married and goes on a honeymoon.
        • Vacation mode is for cases of extreme unavailability, such as honeymoons or PAX.
        • Likely won’t be used for an entire month again, vacation mode is intended to be used sparingly.
      • Minecraft servers
        • Long-term server reset schedule, season 9 is intended to last longer than season 6
          • Current HermitCraft Season expected to run at least 9–12 more months.
          • This means our flagship server wouldn’t change until then, and not be reset for a while
          • Modded and vanillish servers would reset on their own needs based upon community members desires and resources
          • Joe would like to launch a side series/modded server at some point mid year
          • We’ll solicit feedback for that in March for a May/June launch
        • Maintenance schedule
          • Joe was wiped from server maintenance from freelance work but is now more free to do that
          • Have a preflight checklist before travel and have one item be server maintenance
          • One server needs an operating system update
          • Dependant on the data center and Joe’s availability
      • Discord
        • One issue is that people are posting big gifs that aren’t alt texted and is hard for Joe to process, and he can’t parse the intended meaning
        • Spam channels are supposed to be for user-created work, and folks posting reaction images push that work further up and distract from it
        • Joes proposes best option may be text only channel/category, community agrees
          • Joe creates All-Text category to host #feels #introductions and #alt-general
        • Joe knows he can’t broadly replace discord’s full functionality, but he is prepared to spin up an alternative online forum as a place to go should discord but taken over by facebook
        • Our first channel cull was a learning experience
          • Future culls will be more forward-looking and consider upcoming game launches, like Pokémon
          • Culls will not occur every quarter; at most once a year or every other year
          • Culls will be announced 3 months in advance
          • Adding channels will be done quarterly
        • Spam things you wrote channel has been added to the discord
        • Pokemon channel has been added to the discord
          • Joe says removing it was a mistake
        • Dwarf Fortress will NOT be added.
        • Space channel has been added to the discord
        • Food-and-drink channel has been added to the discord
        • Spam-work-you-commissioned channel has been added to the discord
          • This is an experimental channel.
        • TTRPG channel has been added to the discord
        • Technology channel has been added to the discord
        • Suggested channels that need more feedback are a fashion channel and a research/science channel
        • New feedback channel for emojis has been added, emojis are likely to be added based on whimsy, emotional investment in your proposals is not advised

The next quarterly meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd weekend in April.

Video of the meeting: