Streamer’s log: an introduction to arts and crafts with Cleo

Howdy, y’all! Joe Hills here writing as I always do in Nashville, TN!

A bit of background

Since this is my first streamer’s log about Arts and Crafts with Cleo, I wanted to open with a bit of background. My pal ZombieCleo and I have been recording videos together even since I challenged Cleo to a duel thirteen years ago.

Cleo accepted my challenge.

And we battled.

Though we don’t duel regularly, Cleo and I still try to spent two hours every Wednesday to stream arts and crafts.

Our earliest craft streams featured parallel attempts at similar projects, initially paper craft models of Castle Hohenzollern, like this one:

Back to the present

These days, Cleo and I still chat about whatever is on our minds, but we usually work on different projects. Most weeks, Cleo focuses on bullet journal illustrations, and I’m all over the place with my goals and objectives.

I’m optimistic that beginning to log what I work on during these craft streams here will help me bring more intentionality to my projects.

Today, Cleo and I opened by discussing Shoptober on HermitCraft. Due to the urgency of the Permit Office Enforcers demands we all finish our shops, I’m dedicating my arts and crafts time today to sketching models of human teeth. Cleo has chosen to attempt to punt that sort of work until “Shopvember” and is illustrating a bee for her bullet journal.

A photograph of JoeHills' sketchbook showing an illustration of a mouth with too many teeth.

My initial attempt to render teeth as individual Minecraft blocks was hampered by my inability to keep a proper count, so I made a second attempt.

A photograph of Joe Hills' sketchbook showing that properly counted and spaced, the teeth would take up a ten-block by seven-block footprint at a scale of one block per tooth.

It was pretty obvious to me that with the base of the shop having a diameter of 19 blocks, a 10×7 footprint for the sculpture wasn’t going to suffice. I took another hack at this at double the scale per tooth, which allowed more subtle diagonals where the teeth met.

A photograph of Joe Hills' sketchbook showing that properly counted and spaced, the teeth would take up a fifteen-block by fourteen-block footprint at a scale of two blocks per tooth.

That felt a lot better to me, but I realized I’d prefer to have some contrast between the sizes of the molars and the incisors, so scaling the molars up to 4×4 blocks and the incisors down to two or three wide might be worth sketching out.

A photograph of Joe Hills' sketchbook showing that properly counted and spaced, the teeth would take up a twelve-block by twenty-four-block footprint at a proportionate scale of two to four blocks per tooth.

23×24? That feels about right. I’m looking forward to building that out in 3d on HermitCraft!

Chatting about Board Games

Cleo and I also discussed board games, which reminded stream viewer (and my project manager) NJCoffeeJunkie that we need to schedule my appearance on her upcoming charity stream benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We locked that down for noon to 2pm US Central time this Sunday, October 27th. The first hour will be Clank! and the 2nd hour will be Phasmophobia. If you’d like to donate, you can do so at:

I also mentioned that I was going to be attending Tennessee Game Days Fall from November 1st–3rd, and Cleo recommended I try Give Me The Brain, which apparently I can download for free and print at home. Cleo also suggested I try MLEM: Space Agency, which is about cats exploring the solar system.

At past TGDs, I tried a few decent Pandemic variations I could recommend, specifically Fall of Rome and Reign of Cthulhu. Both mix up the core mechanics of Pandemic enough that I enjoyed them.

Closing thoughts

Since this is my first streamer’s log for a craft stream with Cleo, I’m still noodling on how best to balance presenting discussion topics and project progress. I hope you come back next week and see how I’ve improved.

Until next time, y’all, this is Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee.

Keep adventuring!