Streamer’s log: UFO 50 and HC10 Nametag shop progress

Howdy, y’all! Joe Hills here writing as I always do in Nashville, TN!

Replaymod and UFO 50

The Replaymod export of last night’s coal wall time-lapse recording was still rendering when I was ready to stream this afternoon, so for the first hour of the stream I played around with a few UFO 50 games requested by my Patreon patrons after they watched Matt Wilson‘s review of all fifty UFO 50 games, which I recommend y’all check out:

I warmed up with a couple games I’d played before but am not very good at, Onion Delivery and Rail Heist. I don’t think my brain operates on the right wavelength to ever learn to drive that little car in Onion Delivery so I may give up on that one for now, but I do feel like I’m improving at my train robbing skills the more I play Rail Heist.

Viewers also requested I play Vrainger, which is a Metroid-style game with a neat gravity flip when you double-jump mechanic that I was enjoying. I died a few times in a row in the same room there and decided to move on to the next request: Mortol.

Mortol is  a puzzle-platformer where you sacrifice your characters in ritual deaths that create ledges, weights, and explosions to allow their successors to proceed (and hopefully succeed) at driving out the demons from your land. I liked it enough to come back to it, but didn’t feel competent enough at it to keep the tempo of the stream at the pace I’d like.

Party House was our final UFO 50 game of the stream, and was requested both by Patreon viewers and the Twitch and YouTube chat participants. It’s a high-speed push-your-luck game that I found really clicked with me. Even after only about fifteen minutes of playtime, I felt I understood the mechanics of the game well enough that I could play faster than I could talk about it, which means it might not be a great fit for me to stream. I’ll have to see if there’s a good way to adjust my narration around that speed of play.

Back to HermitCraft 10

A screenshot of Minecraft showing six columns of coal ore extending from the southwest corner of the roof of the HermitCraft 10 nametag shop.

The server restarted last night before I could remove the last few columns of the coal wall, so I mined that out to conclude the final segment of that time-lapse and cleaned up my work area.

With that loose coal collected and crafted into blocks, the next step in my materials-gathering journey for this project was to acquire eight stacks of quartz. Since ImpulseSV owns both the quartz and grass shops, I offered yesterday to exchange sixteen chests of my surplus Hermit Holmdel dirt for eight stacks of his quartz. He accepted my proposal, so I gathered all that dirt and brainstormed ways to leave it outside his shop that might be fun and visually interesting. I initially was envisioning a model truck, but after considering chest boats, llamas, and donkeys, settled on a rail circuit.

In search of gold for powered rails, I returned to the cave I discovered yesterday and scrounged for gold ore. I found a ton of tuff veins, which will soon come in handy for my upcoming Tuff and Calcite shop build, but ultimately ended up heading to Mumbo’s gold shop. I was shocked that he’s selling stacks of gold blocks for only 4 diamonds per stack. What a bargain!

A screenshot of Minecraft showing Joe Hills in front of Iumpluse HermitCraft 10 grass shop, with a circular train track with several chest Minecraft's.

I unloaded the shulkers of grass into the chest mine-carts, powered up the rails, and added a little passenger mine-cart in case Impulse wanted to ride around with them.

After collecting my quartz from Impulse’s shop, I returned to the lobby of “Hello my name is Lasertag” to get to work. I added quartz slabs to the stairs into the arena’s observation deck and replaced yesterday’s placeholder white concrete with quartz blocks. I’m excited by the progress!

A screenshot of Minecraft showing Joe Hills inside the Lobby of the HermitCraft 10 name tag shop surveying the installation of quartz and coal blocks.

I ended up concluding the stream by sending my audience over to check out Cubfan135’s Satisfactory stream.

If you haven’t seen Satisfactory before, I’ve got a video of Welsknight, Hypno, and Xisuma introducing me to the HermitCraft HermitFactory world here:

I’ll be streaming Satisfactory later this week with my friends and sharing write-ups of it here as well. As always, you can keep an eye out for my next show via my streaming calendar at

Until next time, y’all, this is Joe Hills from Nashville, TN.

Keep adventuring!